Misericórdia Church in Alcobaça


Misericórdia Church in Alcobaça

Built in 1520 the Misericórdia Church in Alcobaça is another important example of the religious heritage of the municipality.

There is nothing left of the primitive building since it was totally devastated in 1563 as a result of an earthquake that would require the total rebuilding of the Church in city.

In the following century, two fires also contributed to the Church suffering more interventions that make the current building no longer exactly the same as the one that was rebuilt in the 17th century.

The austerity of the exterior of the Church is largely compensated by the richness of its interior where various decorative elements can be found, with the paintings and tile coverings covering some walls untied.

Your visit to Alcobaça cannot fail to include a look at the local religious heritage given the links to the Cistercian order and the number of temples that can be found.

Misericórdia Church in Alcobaça, GoAlcobaça Your Local Touristic Guide


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